In the first two months, exports increased sharply, and the textile and garment industry recovered

Textile and garment exports pick up

According to the data released by the General Administration of customs, from January to February, China's textile and clothing exports totaled 41.167 billion US dollars, with a year-on-year increase of 31.87%, and a negative growth in the same period last year. Among them, textile exports were US $15.068 billion, an increase of 26.26% year-on-year; The export of clothing and accessories reached US $26.099 billion, up 35.34% year-on-year.

Analysts said that the latest PMI in Europe reached the highest value in a year, and the PMI in the United States also continued to rise, hitting a new high since June 2011. The present value of the consumer confidence index was better than expected. The good performance of China's main export markets was the main reason for the substantial growth of textile and clothing exports.

At the same time, some analysts of the securities industry said that the good performance of China's foreign trade exports in January and February was not a flash in the pan, and it was expected that the recovery of the export market would continue. According to the survey results of the General Administration of customs, the proportion of enterprises that are pessimistic about exports in the next 2-3 months has dropped to 39.6%, a decrease of 1.3% over the previous month, which is the first time since the investigation was launched in 2012 that it is lower than 40%.

Performance improvement is expected

The improvement in exports is also reflected in the level of listed companies. Blum Oriental is one of the duopoly enterprises in the domestic medium and high-end color spinning field. A staff member of Blum Oriental said that with the further confirmation of export recovery, the new production capacity can be basically digested. Recently, the price difference between domestic and foreign cotton tends to narrow, which is conducive to improving the competitiveness of the company's products. It is expected that the company's orders will improve significantly in the first quarter of this year.

According to further statistics, in the industry classification of Shenwan, 14 listed textile and clothing companies are expected to increase their annual report performance by more than 50% in 2012, and Zhejiang Furun and Huafang textile are expected to increase their net profit by 100%. "From the perspective of performance alone, considering that the price difference between domestic and foreign cotton is narrowing, production-oriented enterprises should take the lead in improving." Ma Li, textile and clothing analyst of galaxy securities, said that the performance of brand clothing needs to be confirmed by the recovery of terminal demand.
